Space for God
The many demands of our daily routine can make it hard to make space for God.
We find ourselves needing time – time to be alone, to unwind, to do nothing; to catch up with ourselves; time to read, to think, to feel, to be creative; time to look back and plan ahead, to speak and to listen; time to lay things down and to take up new challenges; time to take stock, to pray, and to deepen our relationship with God.
Space for Doing
Relax … don’t feel guilty if you simply want to rest and sleep.
Read your Bible or the books of your choice.
Listen to music.
Spend time in prayer – in private, in the grounds or out walking.
Go for country walks, and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells.
Space for Being
Be creative. Writing, drawing or painting may help you to express your thoughts, feelings, or insights.
Be disciplined. Writing a journal may assist your retreat, enabling you to go back to things later.
Be open to receive help. You may find it helpful to have a member of the Team to talk to or to pray with you - mention this at your time of booking and we can set aside a time for you.
We also offer Guided Retreats where you can take a weekend to ‘Make Space’ for God through gentle, reflective activities in an small group environment.
The Prayer Walk
Following a suggested route, take an easy stroll around part of our 17-acre property. Along the way are places to pause, pray and reflect. There is no rush; it is a time to walk quietly with God, to hear his gentle whisper for the journey ahead. We invite you to take a notebook to ‘journal’ along the way.

Before Departure
Look back over your stay:
What have you experienced?
Have you received or resolved anything?
Is there anything you have decided to do?