Silent Retreats
Silent Space
Silent Space - a week spent with God in stillness.
Thomas Merton writes that “In silence, God ceases to be an object and becomes an experience.”
As we press into silence we can begin to connect with God as Merton suggests; we can practice being “slow to speak and quick to listen”(James 1 v 19). We become more attuned to our inner life which, surely, is the place where God ceases to be ‘out there’ (and objective) and becomes ‘in here’ (and personal). It is an opportunity to enter our own inner sanctuary with expectation and hope - certain that God’s longing is to connect with us in the depths of who we are. Being silent is about entering a sacred place within yourself.
Why might attending a silent retreat be a good idea?
There is much research into the benefits of silence. One of the most appealing being that it is simply an opportunity for deep and real rest. Much of our time and energy often goes into communicating - from reading, to conversing; from social media, to praying - all the time using words. If indeed we do find a space for silence, it is not uncommon for our brains to go into overdrive - talking within our heads to ourselves. Consider - what it might be like to take a rest from that?
Our Silent Space retreat invites you into a week of shared silence with the God who is ever present. The retreat will run from Monday evening to Friday morning and will be led by Ruth Traynar. We will enter into silence after our session together on Monday evening and, other than an optional time of reflection in the evening, remain without conversation until after supper on Thursday.
Each morning there will be gentle suggestions for thought and contemplation which may prompt or nudge your direction. In the evening, there will be an opportunity to gather, reflect and chat over the day should you wish to. The intention of this time would be to explore together the ground that has been covered, and to ponder together should this be helpful.
There will also be opportunity for individual spiritual accompaniment which can be arranged once you are here.
Come and join us in this Silent Space whether you are an ‘experienced’ participant or just curious about starting to explore the richness of being silent.
We are offering this retreat at a special introductory rate of £420 Per Person Full Board or £360 Half Board (breakfast and light supper.)
Dates for 2025: Monday 28th July - Friday 1st August